Monday, August 9, 2010

#14...not accomplished but deleted

#14 on my list of 22 things to do before I turn 23 in May has been stricken from the list. I had originally wanted (really NEEDED) to switch my banking from the credit union that I currently use to Compass bank, so that I could get free checking. Yes, this poor college girl has been paying to have a checking account!!! 7 dollars each month! While I know that this seems like an easy switch to make, it was not for me because I have been banking at the same place since I opened my very first savings account with babysitting money at the ripe old age of 12. I'm not good with change and the switch proved to be more than this girl could handle!
Once my roomies found out that I was paying for a bank to hold my money, (of course, when I say it aloud it sounds as ridiculous as it is) they began encouraging me to move to a bank that offers FREE checking. Not to mention, the switch would give me $50 for signing up and the person referring me $50...meaning that K-dub would take that $50 off of my rent for one month! All of this and still I did not switch. I felt like I would be cheating on my old bank!
This weekend I went to my bank (yes, the greedy one that takes $7 a month from college students) and the teller told me that I was using the wrong kind of account...they have FREE checking. WHAT?!?!? Can you imagine how excited I was; super excited! So, now I am not going to switch banks because I love my bank and #14 can officially be stricken from the list. Plus, it makes me feel like I have actually done something on my list! ;)

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