Friday, January 20, 2012

2011 in Photos

I saw this post idea on a blog that I follow, so I decided to give it a try. I have chosen a fun picture from each month of 2011 to share with you and chronicle my year. 
Note to self: Take more pictures each month in 2012!

January: My first visit to Medieval Times for a sweet friend's birthday.

February: Playing soccer with awesome friends.

March: Reliving my "tween" years- skating at the rink. 

April: "Down on the Farm"

May: College Graduation!!!!!

June: Life-changing mission trip to Sudan, Africa.
July: Fun times by the pool with precious Colton.

August: "Meet the Teacher Night" Hey, that's me! ;)

September: "Clash Day" during Spirit Week at school. Too fun!!!

October: Visit to the Texas State Fair with first-timer Daniella.

November: Decorating the Christmas tree with Kristy.

December: Celebrating Christmas with the girls. I love our annual gift exchange (year 3)!

What a blessed year it has been! You can read about the highlights here, but of course it is easier to just look at pictures. ;)

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Look Back: 2011

As I looked at "status updates" on Facebook on New Year's Eve I was struck by one common theme. So many people were incredibly glad to "get rid of" 2011. Although I do not hold on to the past, I must say that I am not overjoyed to see 2011 go. The Lord abundantly blessed me this year and I believe that this has been one of the best years yet! 
As I look back on the blessings of 2011 I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving.

1. December 2010 marked the end of college classes for me! So, the first 1/2 of 2011 was spent STUDENT TEACHING. This was by far my hardest semester of college, but it was also my favorite. I learned more about education and myself as an educator than I had in all of my what-felt-like-a-million classes. This semester also taught me to rely even more on the Lord for financial stability because I was no longer able to bring in an income by substitute teaching. He miraculously provided through tutoring jobs, student loan money, and incredibly generous family members.

2. What felt as though it was never going to arrive, finally did on May 14, 2011......COLLEGE GRADUATION!!!!!! I have never felt so relieved and accomplished in all of my life. My daddy has said for the past 5 years that I was not getting an education degree, I was really getting a degree in perseverance. He could not have been more correct and I finally got that degree! 

3. During the year leading up to graduation, I heard that I chose the wrong profession at the wrong time. Jobs were in high demand and short supply. I knew that education was where God wanted me so I simply prayed, along with my sweet family and friends, that He would provide the perfect job for me. He did! I was offered a job before I even completed my student teaching assignment. I knew that Liberty Christian was the place for me because it was only the Lord that could have so perfectly constructed a job for me. I am very thankful to be a part of the Liberty family. And although I have really tough days, I know that right now this is the Father's will for me. And there is no place I would rather be than in His perfect will! 

4. A surprising love: I have always thought that I am more of a 1st-2nd grade teacher type. (You know the type: loves- sounding out words, a new pack of sharpened crayons, construction paper sorted by color, picture book read-alouds in a circle, holding the little hand of the line leader, and the sound of "Teacher, I love you!".) So, when the Lord and my now principal clearly asked me to be a 5th grade teacher I was a bit confused. I knew I'd be happy teaching anything, I just honestly thought it would be 1st or 2nd grade. As I geared up for these "big" kids I was nervous, but the strangest thing happened......the Lord made me feel right at home among these ten-year-olds. I love them and their big-kidness! (I know, a teacher should not be making up words, forgive me.) Although some of them are almost as tall as me, I still feel like they are my babies. I'm so thankful that He gave me a deep love for my precious, hilarious group of twenty 5th graders!!!

5. A year of singleness. 2011 was one of the first years in quite a long time that I have been single for the entire year. I have loved it, appreciated it, and at times been utterly frustrated with it. The Lord has and is teaching me to be completely and totally in love with Him. He is my number ONE and I have learned that singleness can be a gift from the Lord (A gift that I try to happily accept each day that He wills to give it.).

6. New friends are a blessing from above! I was blessed with many new friends through student teaching, my home group, my new job, and my Sudan mission trip. Thank you, Lord, for fellowship with the saints!

7. I moved into an awesome apartment this summer in a new area! It is such a blessing to be so close to work. :)

8. Save the best for last. Check. I am sure that by my many blog posts during 2011 you can guess what the best blessing of this year was. SUDAN!!!!! I cannot thank God enough for this life-changing opportunity to visit a culture so different from my own. I wish I could accurately put into words what the time I spent preparing, traveling, being in Africa, learning, laughing, and bonding with my team after we returned meant to me, but it simply isn't possible. My heart is over-joyed with the memories of this sweet land, and at the same time saddened because I feel in love with a land so far away. I will forever think of this experience as one of the greatest blessings of my life.

As you can see my Father has been incredibly generous with many new and exciting blessing in 2011. I can not wait to see what He has in store for me in 2012!
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ." ~Ephesians 1:3