Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kenya: Round 2

Today is the day!!!! I get to return for TWO full weeks to the place that captivated my heart last summer! God is SO good to let me go back to Africa only five weeks after returning. He knows how my heart has been yearning to return from the moment I drove away from Naomi's Village. I love how intimately God knows us and cares about the little things that matter to His children! What an amazing God we serve!!!! 

Please pray for me as I'm there that the Spirit will speak to me and I will be obedient to His call! 

Much love,
The Wanna be Kenyan ;)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Quincy Cuteness

Need a smile today? Well have I got the sweetest video for you! 

One of my fellow Kenya trippers caught Quincy practicing "Happy Birthday" for that afternoon's "Bathday" festivities. He is seriously one of the cutest kids EVER and then to hear him sing this.......oh my gosh, melt your heart!!! 

I wasn't lying, was I? ADORABLE. You're welcome. 
I watch this almost every day because it just makes me that happy. Love.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Probably the Craziest Thing I Have EVER Done!

It's pretty obvious that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Africa. And I LOVED my trip to Kenya last month. I miss the sweet people of Naomi's Village every day. So, when an opportunity came up for me to go back to NV in Kenya, I of course jumped right on it. 

I am going back at the end of July for 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I'm only slightly excited?!?! ;) Please pray that the Lord will graciously provide the money as He has done in the past. If the Lord lays it on your heart to give you can contact me here or through facebook.

I am waaaaaay into planning so this going-last-minute-thing is totally against my personality but I know I'm supposed to go, so I'm going! I know that He is going to do big things through this trip as he did a few weeks ago when I was there.

I am most looking forward to seeing the precious children and hugging them because I feel like I could never get enough time with them. Wouldn't you want to jump on a plane to see these beautiful faces?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Keeping It Kenyan: 1

My friends and I are all about traditions. So, naturally, I wanted them to eat with me and take me to the airport again this year. We decided on Chick-fil-a because I had to be at the airport at 9:30 in the morning. I got up at an un-godly hour (which I hadn't seen since school let out), finished packing, and was off on my Kenyan adventure. 
Me, Daniella, Kristy, and Deanna enjoying a Chick-fil-a breakfast! Yum! It was the perfect last American meal. :)

Then we swung by my parent's house and picked up my momma so that she could see me off also. 

We were each allowed two 50 lb. bags - one contained our stuff and one was STUFFED with supplies for Naomi's Village. With all of those bags plus carry-on bags, our group had about SIXTY bags!!!! And amazingly enough they ALL arrived in Kenya with us! Thank you Jesus! 

Side note: When packing I highly, highly recommend using eBags! I used them this year and last and seriously will never take a trip without them. While everyone else's stuff was everywhere, mine was neatly rolled in these handy bags. It made repacking when we left a breeze! Click HERE for a link to their website.
P.S. I am not a salesperson for this company, but I think I totally could be! ;)

My sweet friends (and mom) stayed with me as I checked my bags, got my tickets, and waited. It is SOOOO nice to have people "sending you off"!!!!! 

And then I was off to what turned out to be one of the best adventures of my life! Stay tuned for details of my time loving on the Kenyan people (and a few transplants too)! 

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded of you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."   
~Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)