Saturday, September 4, 2010

ABC's of Summer 2010

A: Arkansas lake house trip with Bible study girls
B: Birth of Colton James (August 4, 2010)

C: Craft projects
D: Delicious Mexican food and strawberry daiquiris from Guerro's

E: Ella (Daniella) moves in!!! YAY for a new roomie!
F: Freaking out...lots of freaking out over the government's new scheme to thoroughly destroy a college student's finances!
G: "Glee" music blasting and the dancing that comes along with it ;)
Hot guys...oh wait, this is the one I wish I could actually add to the list. LOL!
I: Insightful classes at my church about the spiritual disciplines
J: JAG (Finally completed all 10 seasons!)
K: Karen Kingsbury books on CD
L: Lots of Laughing with Chelle and Angie
M: Much needed break from school in July/August
N: Napping, my favorite hobby
O: Oh so many tutoring hours logged
P: Papers. Never ending papers.
Quick trip to Mississippi and Alabama
Re-runs (but new to me) of Law & Order SVU
S: Santa Fe, the Hyundai car I worked all summer to convince Kristy to get. Sadly, it didn't work.
T: Tappy's Yogurt addiction
Unbearably hot days due to the habitually broken ac :(
V: Visiting the Flower Mound Library multiple times a week to tutor
W: Watching much Grey's Anatomy...Can you tell I watched WAY too much TV this summer?!?
X-tra fast is the speed at which the summer went by!
Y: Yearning to be finished with college and preparing my own classroom

1 comment:

  1. BETZ! As in, my favorites from your list :)

    On my "to do ASAP" list is find a Zumba class sometime at night. Then we can show each other our sweet moves!
