Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Five Things

I got tagged by Deanna to answer these 5 questions:

Instructions: Answer 5 questions with 5 answers, and then tag 5 people.

1. Where were you 10 years ago?
>I was in 6th grade.
>I was attending school at McMath Middle School in Denton, TX.
>I was spending my weekends babysitting and working in my church's nursery.
>I was being told by my parents that I would be home-schooled for 7th and 8th grade.
>I was a part of a youth group that I really loved.

2. What is on your to do list for today?
>I plan to finish teaching 4th grade and not have any major problems.
>I plan to go to the store and cook dinner for my boyfriend and me.
>I plan to complete my math assignment and submit it before the midnight deadline.
>I plan to work on my Philosophy of Education.
>I plan to get gas before my car breaks down, lol!

3. What five snacks do you enjoy?
>Pirate's Booty (awesome healthier version of a Cheeto)
>Fugi apples

4. Where are five places you have lived?
>Bowie, Texas
>Denton, Texas
>Corinth, Texas
>Flower Mound, Texas
>Lewisville, Texas
(Do you see a theme???)

5. Name five things you would do if you were a billionaire.
>Pay for my education and release that stress!!!
>Pay a full year of rent and make Kristy a very happy lady!!!
>Fund grants for educators and scholarships for students.
>Buy books for underprivileged children because I think that literature opens new doors!
>Buy a new car, go on vacation, and SHOP!!!

Now, I tag...
1. Christina
2. Kristy
3. Shannon
4. Tiffany
5. The Thomas Family

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