#15 Go to Walt Disney World with the roomies
I had a BLAST on the Disney World trip; it was the perfect reward for a long, stressful semester!
Here are the ABC's of my Disney experience:
A: Airports...total waiting time was about 8 hoursHere are the ABC's of my Disney experience:

B: "Backpack, Backpack" Yes, drawing inspiration form Dora somehow made carrying the backpack around all day seem a little less annoying.
C: Chocolate caramel pecan apple...yum! An added bonus was that we ate them while watching the Indiana Jones show!
D: Dalmatians, 101 to be exact. Our hotel decor paid homage to one of my favorite childhood movies: 101 Dalmatians.

E: Exquisite Magic Kingdom castle

F: Flights of Wonder BIRD SHOW!!!

G: Giant gingerbread house at Epcot

H: Hat day, or should I say "bad hair day" ;)

I: Indian friend. I found a man at Disney, jk!

J: Jessica's crazy dancing and funny faces...possibly the best part of the trip :)

K: Keeping our eyes peeled for the "hidden Mickeys" and I happened to be the first one to spot those famous ears! Right, Kristy?
L: Lots of parade watching. Oh wait, we didn't get to see a one ;)...guess we'll just have to go back!
M: Mount Everest Expedition...my favorite ride!!!

N: Not enough room in the tea cup for the 4 of us!

(This is what we had to do in order to close the door...sad!)
O: Over-confident tour/ride guide at Hollywood Studios
P: Pooh and friends...some plastic, some not

Q: Quivering before riding The Tower of Terror

R: Roomie Vacation!!! (Well, technically it was minus 1 roomie and plus 1 cousin.)

S: Serious stunt men

T: Tea cup rides after midnight=straight craziness! :)
U: Unbelievably LARGE turkey legs, ewww!

V: Very suspicious behavior

W: Warthog faces at The Lion King Musical

X: Xtra magic hours (midnight-3:00 AM)
Y: Yummy Disney desserts

Z: ZZZ's, there was a lack of those on this trip