Thursday, May 27, 2010

22 Things to do before 23...

My updated list of goals for the next year:

1. Graduate TWU
2. Learn to drive a stick-shift vehicle
3. Take a cake decorating class
4. Blog twice a month (I didn't accomplish this one last year so we will see how well I do with it this year ;)
5. Go to at least four musicals
6. Write in my journal three times a week
7. Read (listen to) 15 books on CD
8. Read Boundaries in Dating by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
9. Become a covenant member at my church, The Village
10. Complete a Summer Equipping class at The Village
11. Paint my bathroom
12. Keep the inside of my car clean
13. Use corrugated metal to make some decor for our pool area with Kristy
14. Transfer my banking to Compass
15. Go to Walt Disney World with the roomies
16. Support a Compassion child
17. Memorize verses that will help me share my testimony
18. Speak more positively about myself
19. Watch the first season of The Good Wife
20. Cook/bake a new dish each month
21. Exercise...any amount would be an improvement!!!
22. Be a bridesmaid...I realize this is going to have to be someone else's doing, so all of you eligible bachelors better start asking my friends to marry you (no pressure!!! ;)

Wish me luck!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Diary

I have decided that this entry will be about last weekend because it seems more like one quick day! Deanna, Kristy, and I traveled to Mississippi and Alabama for some fun with their families.

May 2010
i loved the smell of
the bbq at the awesome non-truck stop (Okay, it was really a truck stop but it thankfully had none of the usual qualities associated with truck stops!)
i loved the sound of
Kristy: "that's a lawsuit waiting to happen"
This comment was in regard to the misunderstanding that a sign was posted that only allowed boys to use a restroom in a store. Actually, there was simply a mix-up with the doors which was due to sleep deprivation.
"Employees Only": The real message.
i loved the taste of
YOGURT MOUNTAIN in Bama...thanks Dea, now I can't wait to go back ;)
i loved the sight of
the funny sayings on the Southern Belle t-shirts
i loved the feel of
getting out of the car after driving for 7 hours straight

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear Diary

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2010
i loved the smell of
a classroom of 3rd graders after yeah, totally kidding!!!
i loved the sound of
80 third graders screaming with glee about receiving $5 bills
i loved the taste of
the sweet pineapple Kristy got for us (watch out sister, I might eat it all ;)
i loved the sight of
my AWESOME birthday invitations
i loved the feel of
my pajamas, which I wish I could live in 24/7